Study of fractional order SIR model with M-H type treatment rate and its stability analysis
SIR model, Monod-Haldane type treatment rate, optimal control, Caputo derivativeAbstract
In this manuscript, we analyze a fractional-order susceptible-infected-recovered (SIR) mathematical model with a nonlinear incidence rate and nonlinear treatment rate for the control of infectious illness. The incidence rate of infection is considered as Holling type II and the treatment rate is considered as Monod-Haldane (MH) type. The existence and uniqueness criteria for the new model, as well as the non-negativity and boundedness, have been established. We also provide an ideal control strategy for the SIR model using the treatment rate as a control parameter. The solution of the suggested model is approximated using the fractional-order Taylor's method. With the help of MATLAB (2018a), we perform numerical simulations and illustrate the results through graphical representations.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Subrata Paul, Animesh Mahata, Supriya Mukherjee, Meghadri Das, Prakash Chandra Mali, Banamali Roy, Poulami Mukherjee, Pramodh Bharati

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